We are very happy to announce that Pegs.Cash will be launched on 0:00 AM UTC on January 11.
Uniswap Liquidity Mining
PEGS rewards will be claimable for users who deposit Uniswap LP tokens to incentivized pairs, which can be attained by adding liquidity to token pairs on Uniswap.
The total amount of PEGS is 30,000,000, 80% (24,000,000) are produced through mining, and the output of the first year of mining is 12,000,000 and then halved every year thereafter. PEGS only supports two trading pairs for mining, PUSD (stablecoin)/USDC, PEGS /PUSD, each accounting for 50%.
PUSD/USDC LP mining will start with the launch of Pegs.cash, and PEGS/PUSD LP mining will start on January 13.
Dividends launch TBD
The seigniorage is set to 0.3%, 30% of seigniorage will be used as the fund reserve of Buyback, and 70% will flow into the dividend pool in PUSD. Staking PEGS to the dividend pool can be used for dividends, since you deposit it, you will get the dividend Continuously
Key Contract Addresses
All contracts are open source.
PUSD: 0x412e5a36BDE71AA2c38e1c0E26BAAf7F2f0Bc24a
PEGS: 0x88bd6eFe33bc82860278c044eFA33364c6285032
Pools: 0xd707ee369ff628e58c31597bd70fc68012618650
FARM_contracts(PUSD/USDC): 0x6E222C95dD4f7346582cDdc02845138a92aF59DC
FARM_contracts(PUSD/PEGS): 0x7b956219B28B909812dD15AdD1F8584218aE4f79
STAKE: 0xaC26E8dDE0a73ce1d98bc89f29197C736b95a075
Uniswap Liquidity Pair Addresses
They are currently only for Oracle use, and it is not recommended to trade before the official launch.
PUSD-USDC: 0x71aac1e9ddbfbcafa3d81bcc5a21e762775bf739
PUSD-ETH: 0xd0088da70a9c8e9c6a6645a83fa85ef826bd1011
PEGS-PUSD: 0xc1203d0134d7147ce48e42d1ccbdcd2abec079ae
PEGS-ETH: 0x68760a05322bbbac863ce62f25aa509519ed75b9
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Website: Pegs.cash
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pegscash
Telegram: https://t.me/pegscash
Medium: https://medium.com/@pegscash